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February Break

Peachcrest Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Parent Resources

Peachcrest Elementary School Stakeholder Title I Input Opportunities

Peachcrest Elementary School Stakeholder Title I Input Opportunities
5/6/2024- 6/30/2024

Peachcrest Elementary School parents, staff, students, and community The Title I Stakeholder Input meetings are one of the most important meetings of the year!  Please join us to help plan for the 2024-2025 school year. The focus of all Title I programs is to help eligible students meet the same high academic achievement standards expected of all children. We will be discussing our goals, planning the budget, discussing the needs of parents, and providing ideas for teacher training for next year. The 2023-2024 school compact and DCSD policy are available for your review.  We look forward to collaborating with YOU!
2024-2025 School Compact: Click Here
DCSD Approved Policy: Click Here.
2024-2025 PFE Action Plan: Click Here
Stakeholder Mtg. Feedback Link in top 15 languages

Stakeholder Input Survey with languages for website

Title I Parent & Family Engagement Copyright and Plagiarism Information

Understanding Copyright


Avoiding Plagiarism

The Continuous School Improvement Plan shows the proposed acquisitions that Peachcrest Elementary School is looking to place into action to make the school a sufficient learning environment. To find out more in-depth information about CSIP please visit the link listed below. 
Please click the link below to view the 
Please click the Link below to access the FY25 School Family Innovative Compact:   

 Please click the image below to access Peachcrest ES Written Procedures for Parent Communication:

Please click the link below to access the FY25 Parent and Family Engagement Plan:

 FY25 DCSD Parent and Family Engagement Revised 6-20-2024.pdf

 Please click the link below to access the FY21 Parent and Family Engagement Policy:


Right to Know Notification

Infinite Campus - Parent Portal Information

 Please click the link below for Infinite Campus Instructions:
Please click the link below for Infinite Campus Portal:

School Hours & Uniform Policy


School Uniforms
   Uniforms will help students to focus on learning.  They will also promote school spirit, and show school unity.  

The uniform colors will be as follows:   
Purple (dark), Gray or White shirts
Black or Khaki pants, skirts or dresses

 School Hours


 7:00 am-7:35am

 Tardy Bell


 Instruction Begins

 7:45 am


 2:15 pm


* Parents please note that students are late after 7:46 am, and it is necessary for you to come into the building to sign your student in.

DCSD Level I-III Volunteer Process

If you plan to volunteer as a reading buddy, field trip chaperone, help in the media center this school year, or any other unsupervised volunteer opportunity, you will need to be approved by public safety.

Level III volunteers must be approved by Public Safety AND the local school principal prior to the volunteer participation in activities involving direct, unsupervised interaction with students. Examples of Level III volunteers include chaperones on field trips, chaperones or volunteers for local school events, volunteer tutors, office/media center volunteers, or any other volunteers who will have any unsupervised interaction with students. Level III volunteers shall be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal background checks on file prior to rendering volunteer services.

Directions for Level 3 Volunteers!

DeKalb County School District’s Volunteer Training 

By signing on as a volunteer, you become a member of our team of professionals that proudly provides educational services to more than 93,000 students in our DeKalb County School District. This webpage is designed to assist you in registering to be a volunteer with the DeKalb County School District. Please complete the following steps to become a DCSD Volunteer.

1. Complete the Volunteer Application And Release Form

2. Complete the DCSD Volunteer Code of Conduct

3. Complete the Mandated Reporter Video & Quiz

Create an account (no cost)

Choose State: GA

Click Child Abuse and Neglect Course: Mandated Reporter

Click Start Course

Complete Quiz, Save or print your certificate.

4. Send a Copy of your certificate to [email protected]

5. Attend Volunteer Training (either in-person or via Zoom) Weekly Face-to-Face Volunteer Training is available at the IMPACT HUB every Thursday at 1:00 PM.

1701 Mountain Industrial Boulevard Stone Mountain, GA 30083

6. Background Check -Once you have completed the Volunteer Training (either face-to-face or zoom) you will be emailed a link that will direct you to get your background check (offered Tuesdays & Thursdays at NO COST).

You will be given a picture ID badge that is to be worn when you volunteer.

Please contact Demone Gunter via email @ [email protected] if you have any questions.